How to – powerpoint change default language on all slides Capitol I
Motivele pentru care am facut acest tutorial le gasiti aici.
Ca sa recapitula de ce avem nevoie: MS office 2010 cu Proofing Tools si/sau Multi Lang Pack.
Tutorialul explica situatia in care avem un fisier PowerPoint cu text in romana iar Language Default este setat in engleza si dorim sa modificam in romana. Binenteles ca se poate aplica si pentru alte “languages” (in RO nu suna prea bine 🙂 ), cu conditia sa avem instalat Proofing Tools si/sau Multi Lang Pack.
Continuarea cu cele 2 noi capitole le gasiti aici:
II. Implementarea a celor 2 fisiere .ppam si .pptm in MS Office (PowerPoint)
III. Utilizarea tool-ului
I. Generat fisiere .ppam si .pptm:
- languageAddin.ppam pt Add-ins (adaugat in bara de meniu).
- language.pptm pentru a executa macro
1. languageAddin.ppam
a). Deschide PowerPoint-ul si salveaza un un fisier nou cu extensia .pptm (languageAddin.pptm) in folderul My Documents (calea unde salvam este irelevanta).
selectam File/Save as iar la Save as Type alagem Powerpoint Macro Enebled Pesentation (*.pptm)
b). Adaugarea cod VB.
Deschidem interfata Visual Basic cu ajutoarul tastelor Alt-F11 si adaugam un nou modul folosind una din cele 2 metode:
metoda clasica din meniul Insert/Module
sau click dreapta pe VBAProject (Language.pptm) si selectam Insert/Module
Adaugam urmatorul cod in noul modul creat:
Sub Auto_Open() 'Note this will only fire automatically when in a loaded Add-in. ' Dim strFileName As String 'Path for file with macros: strFileName = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE")) & "\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns\language.pptm" 'Open the presentation with macros, but keep it hidden: Application.Presentations.Open FileName:=strFileName, WithWindow:=msoFalse End Sub
c). Salvati si iesiti din interfata Visual Basic.
Din interfata PowerPoint salvati fiserul cu extensia .ppam. Selectati din meniu File/Save As iar la Save as Type alagem PowerPoint Add-in (*.ppam).
Acesta se va salva automat in locatia default a directorului “AddIns” din profilul utilizatorului (%APPDATA%\Microsoft\AddIns), sau:
windows 7 :
windows XP:
%userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns
2. language.ppam
a). Deschide PowerPoint-ul si salveaza un un fisier nou cu extensia .pptm (language.pptm) in folderul My Documents (calea unde salvam este irelevanta).
selectam File/Save as iar la Save as Type alagem Powerpoint Macro Enebled Pesentation (*.pptm)
b). Adaugarea cod VB.
Deschidem interfata Visual Basic cu ajutoarul tastelor Alt-F11 si adaugam un nou modul folosind una din cele 2 metode:
metoda clasica din meniul Insert/Module
sau click dreapta pe VBAProject (Language.pptm) si selectam Insert/Module
Adaugam urmatorul cod in noul modul creat:
Sub SetLangaugeFromSelection() Dim lang As Office.MsoLanguageID lang = -9999 On Error Resume Next lang = Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.TextRange.languageID On Error GoTo 0 If lang = -9999 Then MsgBox ("Please select a text object from which the language should be copied") ElseIf lang < 0 Then MsgBox ("Invalid language code. Please apply a language to the entire text field, then try again.") Else Dim res As VbMsgBoxResult res = MsgBox("Copy language setting from selection to entire presentation?", VbMsgBoxStyle.vbYesNo) If (res = VbMsgBoxResult.vbYes) Then SetLanguageTo (lang) End If End If End Sub Sub SetLanguageTo(lang As Office.MsoLanguageID) Dim pres As Presentation Set pres = ActivePresentation pres.DefaultLanguageID = lang ' Fix slides Dim slide As PowerPoint.slide For Each slide In pres.Slides SetLanguageOnShapes slide.Shapes, lang Next ' Fix slide master Dim customLayout As PowerPoint.customLayout SetLanguageOnShapes pres.SlideMaster.Shapes, lang For Each customLayout In pres.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts SetLanguageOnShapes customLayout.Shapes, lang Next ' Fix other masters SetLanguageOnShapes pres.HandoutMaster.Shapes, lang SetLanguageOnShapes pres.NotesMaster.Shapes, lang If pres.HasTitleMaster Then SetLanguageOnShapes pres.TitleMaster.Shapes, lang End Sub Sub SetLanguageOnShapes(Shapes As PowerPoint.Shapes, languageID As Office.MsoLanguageID) Dim shape As PowerPoint.shape For Each shape In Shapes SetLanguageOnShape shape, languageID Next End Sub Sub SetLanguageOnShape(shape As PowerPoint.shape, languageID As Office.MsoLanguageID) If shape.HasTextFrame Then On Error Resume Next ' this sometimes fails for complex objects shape.TextFrame.TextRange.languageID = languageID On Error GoTo 0 End If If shape.HasTable Then Dim r, c As Integer For r = 1 To shape.Table.Rows.Count For c = 1 To shape.Table.Columns.Count SetLanguageOnShape shape.Table.Cell(r, c).shape, languageID Next Next End If On Error GoTo NotAGroup ' enable error handling. multiple types have groupItems, and only way to check is to try If Not shape.GroupItems.Count > 0 Then GoTo NotAGroup On Error GoTo 0 ' disable error handling Dim itemShape As PowerPoint.shape For Each itemShape In shape.GroupItems SetLanguageOnShape itemShape, languageID Next NotAGroup: End Sub
Vezi oferta celor de la emag aici pentru Ms Office. Info despre aplicatii alternative gratuite la MS Office gasiti aici.
Continuarea cu cele 2 noi capitole le gasiti aici:
II. Implementarea a celor 2 fisiere .ppam si .pptm in MS Office (PowerPoint)
III. Utilizarea tool-ului